Higher-order Functions

A central theme of programming is abstraction. Functions abstract over values by replacing concrete values by variables. Types abstract over values, separating them into classes that form the admissible input or output values of functions. Polymorphic definitions abstract over concrete types by enabling functions that work uniformly for a whole range of types. The list goes on and on, and the ability to handle abstractions and to rapidly switch between different levels of abstraction might well be the most important technical skill of a programmer.

In this chapter, we will abstract over functions. Strong support to easily abstract over functions, pass functions around, and to create new functions on the fly is at the core of the functional programming paradigm.

Mapping and Zipping

In Recursion, we identified several different patterns of processing lists. Recall the following function definitions:

allSquares :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
allSquares []       = []
allSquares (x : xs) = x * x : allSquares xs

allToUpper :: String -> String
allToUpper []                 = []
allToUpper (chr : restString) = toUpper chr : allToUpper restString

distancesFromPoint :: ColourPoint -> [ColourPoint] -> [Float]
distancesFromPoint point []
  = []
distancesFromPoint point (p : ps)
  = distance point p : distancesFromPoint point ps

As we observed then, these functions all essentially have the following form:

recursiveFunction []       = []
recursiveFunction (x : xs) = doSomethingWith x : recursiveFunction xs

The difference between the three functions is what they do in place of doSomethingWith. If these functions would only differ in, say, a constant value that they are using, we would never write three different functions. Instead, we would abstract over that value and pass it as additional parameter to the function. So why should we have to write different versions of a function only because they apply different operations to the elements of a list?

Just as in the case of functions that use different constant values, we want to abstract over doSomethingWith and pass this functionality as an additional parameter to the traversal function. In Haskell, parameterising over a value or a function is essentially the same. Hence, we rename recursiveFunction to map (the standard name for applying a given function to every element of a list) and add a new function argument f that represents the computation that we called doSomethingWith above.

import Prelude hiding (map)

map f []       = []
map f (x : xs) = f x : map f xs

The question that remains is what is the type of map? It can be applied to lists of any element type a, as long as its first argument, f, is a function which can be applied to a and returns some value of type b. Hence, applying f to all elements yields a list of element type b and we get

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

Functions like map, which take another function as an argument and also functions that return another function as their result, are called higher-order functions.

Using map

We can use the map function (either our own version or the one from the Prelude) to define the three functions from the beginning of the chapter as follows:

allSquares :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
allSquares xs = map square xs
    square x = x * x

allToUpper :: String -> String
allToUpper string = map toUpper string

distancesFromPoint :: ColourPoint -> [ColourPoint] -> [Float]
distancesFromPoint point points = map distanceP points
    distanceP :: ColourPoint -> Float
    distanceP p = distance point p

In fact, we can simplify the last definition (and omit the local function distanceP) by applying a concept from First Steps, namely that of partial applications. We used the function

average :: Float -> Float -> Float
average a b = (a + b) / 2.0

to demonstrate that, by applying only a single argument to a binary function, as in average 5.0, we get a new function. One that, in this case, is of type Float -> Float and calculates the average of 5.0 and whatever value the new function is applied to. Similarly, we can use a partial application of distance to save us the trouble of having to define a local function in the definition of distancesFromPoint:

distancesFromPoint :: ColourPoint -> [ColourPoint] -> [Float]
distancesFromPoint point points = map (distance point) points

Here (distance point) results in a function that takes a (single) point p as argument, and then, calculates the distance between point and p. In other words, the result of (distance point) is the same function that we called distanceP above. A consequence of that is that we could have defined distanceP alternatively as

distanceP :: ColourPoint -> Float
distanceP = distance point

This and the use of the parameter f in map demonstrates nicely that variables in Haskell are used for data values (e.g., numbers, strings, and lists) in the exact same way as they are used for functions. Functions are simply values whose type includes the -> type constructor; otherwise, they are handled like any other value.

A note on syntax. In the definition of distancesFromPoint that makes use of the partial application of distance, we need to make sure to bracket the expression (distance point). Without the parenthesis, we get map distance point points, which has a very different meaning: it represents the application of map to three arguments, namely the function distance, point, and finally points. The result would be a type error, as map expects a list as its second argument and it can only be applied to at most two arguments.

From mapping to zipping

The function zipWith is closely related to map: it takes a binary function and two lists as arguments, and applies the binary function to the first element of the first and second list, then to the second elements of the two lists, and so on:

zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith op []       _        = []
zipWith op _        []       = []
zipWith op (x : xs) (y : ys) = (x `op` y) : zipWith op xs ys

The two bases cases ensure that the length of the result list will be the same as the length of the shorter of the two argument lists.

zipWith average [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]  = [2.5, 3.5, 4.5]


The second recursive pattern on lists that we discussed in Recursion was filtering (which removes elements from a list). In particular, we discussed the two functions extractDigits, which extracts all digits from a string, and inRadius, which checks for points within a certain distance from another given point:

import Data.Char

extractDigits :: String -> String
extractDigits []
  = []
extractDigits (chr : restString)
  | isDigit chr = chr : extractDigits restString
  | otherwise   =       extractDigits restString

inRadius :: ColourPoint -> Float -> [ColourPoint] -> [ColourPoint]
inRadius point radius []
  = []
inRadius point radius (p : ps)
  | distance point p <= radius = p : inRadius point radius ps
  | otherwise                  =     inRadius point radius ps

Again, we can see that both functions have the same structure. The only meaningful difference between them is the test that decides whether we take the first recursive case (and keep the currently inspected list element) or whether we select the second recursive case (and drop the currently inspected element). The function inRadius gets additional arguments, but they are only passed down to the test that distinguishes the two functions. Tests (also called predicates) can be represented as functions from the tested value to a Boolean result; hence, it is natural to represent filtering as a higher-order function that takes a predicate as its function argument.

import Prelude hiding (filter)

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter p []
  = []
filter p (x : xs)
  | p x       = x : filter p xs
  | otherwise = filter p xs

It has the same structure as extractDigits and inRadius, but abstracts the test out as a predicate p. Hence, we can use filter to implement both extractDigits and inRadius:

extractDigits :: String -> String
extractDigits strings = filter isDigit strings

inRadius :: ColourPoint -> Float -> [ColourPoint] -> [ColourPoint]
inRadius point radius points = filter inRadiusP points
    inRadiusP :: ColourPoint -> Bool
    inRadiusP p = distance point p <= radius

Anonymous functions

The definition of inRadius is an example where the use of a higher-order function gets somewhat verbose, as we need to define a local function (here, inRadiusP) to pass that function as an argument. The first occurrence of the same issue was the definition of allSquares. (In the case of distanceFromPoint, we also started out with a where clause, but we where able to eliminate that using partial application.)

We only use the local function inRadiusP once. Giving it a name and defining it separately from its use as an argument to filter seems cumbersome. To simplify cases like this, Haskell supports anonymous functions (sometimes called closures). These are function definitions without a name that can be defined inline; for example, as a function argument. Instead of a function equation of the form

functionName a1 a2 ⋯ an = body

and then passing functionName as an argument, we simply write the expression

\a1 a2 ⋯ an -> body

which represents the same n-ary function.

This enables us to shorten inRadius to

inRadius :: ColourPoint -> Float -> [ColourPoint] -> [ColourPoint]
inRadius point radius points = filter (\p -> distance point p <= radius) points

We read \p -> distance point p <= radius as “lambda p to distance point p <= radius” and also call it a lambda abstraction.

We can use the same technique with allSquares:

allSquares :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
allSquares xs = map (\x -> x * x) xs

Point-free notation and partial application

The definition of allSquares using map doesn't inspect the argument list anymore as the entire recursive list traversal is encapsulated in map. In fact, allSquares just passes the list through as the last argument and we can regard it simply as the mapping of the anonymous function \x -> x * x. Hence, we can use the concept of partial application from First Steps, just as we did earlier with distanceP, and omit that last argument, which leads to

allSquares :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
allSquares = map (\x -> x * x)

Recall the type of map:

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

It expects two arguments: the mapped function and the list. In the definition of allSquares, we apply map to its first argument, \x -> x * x, which yields a new function of type Num a => [a] -> [a] that, applied to a list, in turn applies \x -> x * x to all elements of that list.

This style of expressing functions as composition of other functions, without explicitly referring to the data structures that they process is called point-free style.

The following screencast illustrates the derivation of map and its use step by step.


After mapping and filtering, we considered reductions in Recursion, such as

minList :: [Int] -> Int
minList []     = maxBound
minList (x:xs) = x `min` minList xs

sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum []     = 0
sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs

and also the product functions that closely mirrors sum. The structural similarity of minList and sum is immediately obvious: the main difference is that minlist uses min and sum uses (+) to combine the elements in the consumed list with the result from the recursive call. Hence, we need to pass that combination function as an argument to a higher-order reduction function. However, there is another difference, namely the value returned in the base case. It also varies depending on the concrete reduction, and so, we need to make it into a second argument of the reduction function — thusly, we define

import Prelude hiding (foldr)

foldr op n []     = n
foldr op n (x:xs) = x `op` foldr op n xs

and use it to simplify

minList :: [Int] -> Int
minList xs = foldr min maxBound xs

sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum xs = foldr (+) 0 xs

As before, the trailing list argument xs is merely passed through and we can adopt a point-free style:

minList :: [Int] -> Int
minList = foldr min maxBound 

sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum = foldr (+) 0 

The question that we haven't answered yet is what type should give foldr? One point is clear: if the argument list is of type [a], then op has to be a binary function which expects as its first argument a value of type a. From the example reductions that we considered so far, we might think that op's second argument should be of type a as well. However, that is not generally the case. Consider the following function that determines whether all elements of a list are even:

allEven :: [Int] -> Bool
allEven []     = True
allEven (x:xs) = even x && allEven xs

We can easily rewrite it such that it has the same structure as foldr:

allEven :: [Int] -> Bool
allEven []     = True
allEven (x:xs) = x `allE` allEven xs
    allE :: Int -> Bool -> Bool
    allE x b = even x && b

Then, we replace the explicit recursion by a use of foldr, the local function definition by an inline lambda abstraction, and use point-free style to arrive at a concise definition:

allEven :: [Int] -> Bool
allEven = foldr (\x b -> even x && b) True

The lambda abstraction \x b -> even x && b is of type Int -> Bool -> Bool; i.e., its first and second argument have different types, but its result type coincides with the type of the second argument. The latter fact is necessarily the case for all arguments to foldr, as the higher-order argument op gets the result of the recursive call to foldr as its second argument; so, we arrive at

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr op n []     = n
foldr op n (x:xs) = x `op` foldr n op xs

In the previous examples, the result of applying foldr was always a scalar value, but we have already seen list functions that produce new lists and nevertheless fit the reduction pattern, for example,

concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat []       = []
concat (xs:xss) = xs ++ concat xss

reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse []     = []
reverse (x:xs) = x `snoc` reverse xs
    snoc x xs = xs ++ [x]

We can rewrite them to

concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat = foldr (++) []

reverse :: [a] -> [a]
reverse = foldr (\x xs -> xs ++ [x]) []

These functions produce lists, like map, but in contrast to map, they alter the structure of the consumed list.

Compatibility Notice

Recent Haskell systems based on the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 7.10 or higher, include a new version of the Prelude, where several list functions have been generalised. In particular, the type of foldr is

foldr :: Foldable f => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> f a -> b

This more general version still operates on lists as we discussed, but it can also be used with other data structures that are covered by the Foldable type class. The same goes for other reductions. We will discuss this in more detail in a later chapter. For now, we will stick to the purely list-based reductions that we defined in this chapter.

Left-associative Reductions

In Recursion, we already discussed two forms of reduction, depending on whether we reduce the argument list from the right or the left. The function foldr implements reduction from the right; so, naturally, we need a second higher-order function, foldl, to capture the pattern of left-associative reduction. In Recursion, we defined the general form of left-associative traversals as follows:

leftReduce acc []     = acc
leftReduce acc (x:xs) = leftReduce (acc `op` x) xs

By adding the combination operator op as a higher-order argument, we get

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl op acc []     = acc
foldl op acc (x:xs) = foldl op (acc `op` x) xs

The type is subtly different than that of foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b, as the accumulator acc, in foldl, has to have the same type as the first argument of op.

With foldl, we can easily re-implement the deductFromAccount example of Recursion:

deductFromAccount :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
deductFromAccount initialBalance = foldl initialBalance deduct
    balance `deduct` x 
      | balance < x = error ("Your account balance is " ++ show balance ++
                             " - cannot deduct " ++ show x ++ " cents")
      | otherwise   = balance - x

Similarly, the conversion of a string of digits to an integral value as well as the fast list reversal function from Recursion are straightforward with higher-order functions:

stringToInt :: String -> Int
stringToInt = foldl (\acc chr -> 10 * acc + digitToInt chr) 0

fastReverse :: [a] -> [a]
fastReverse = foldl (\accList x -> x : accList) []

These examples highlight the compactness of the code facilitated by the use of higher-order functions. This isn't simply for the sake of the convenience of having to write less code. The use of standard functions encapsulating common recursive patterns also facilitates readability (as the recursive pattern is easily identified by way of the name of the higher-order function) and reduces testing effort (as code you don't write cannot go wrong). Picking the appropriate higher-order function, or more often, the right combination of higher-order functions requires some practice, but it is well worth the effort.

Combining Multiple Recursive Patterns

In Recursion, we discussed two strategies for functions that need to combine multiple recursive traversals: we can either combine them into one explicit recursive traversal

sumOfSquareRoots :: (Ord a, Floating a) => [a] -> a
sumOfSquareRoots [] 
  = 0
sumOfSquareRoots (x:xs)
  | x > 0     = sqrt x + sumOfSquareRoots xs
  | otherwise = sumOfSquareRoots xs   

or separate them into multiple traversals implemented by separate functions:

sumOfSquareRoots :: (Ord a, Floating a) => [a] -> a
sumOfSquareRoots xs = sum (allSquareRoots (filterPositives xs))
    allSquareRoots []     = []
    allSquareRoots (x:xs) = sqrt x : allSquareRoots xs

    filterPositives [] 
      = []
    filterPositives (x:xs)
      | x > 0     = x : filterPositives xs
      | otherwise = filterPositives xs                                    

When we can use standard patterns of recursion, the latter approach is much more attractive as it maximises code reuse:

sumOfSquareRoots :: (Ord a, Floating a) => [a] -> a
sumOfSquareRoots xs = sum (map sqrt (filter (> 0) xs))

Here, the expression (> 0) is a partial application of an infix operator, also called a section. It is equivalent to the more verbose use of a lambda abstraction: \x -> x > 0. In the same manner, we can supply the left-hand side argument, without the right-hand side argument, to an infix operator to get a unary function.

Function application with lower precedence

Parameterised functions, such as map, filter, and foldl, are often called combinators (here, list combinators). Hence, we call the one-line definition of sumOfSquareRoots combinator-based. Once many combinators are involved, a combinator-based expression tends to involve many parentheses. To avoid this, Haskell's Prelude provides some more combinators. The first one is an alternative form of function application with a lower precedence than conventional function application in the form of an infix operator:

infixr 0 $
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
f $ x = f x

The declaration infixr 0 $ states that ($) is right associative and has precedence level 0, which is the weakest level of precedence in Haskell — i.e., it has the weakest possible binding power. For example, in

sqrt $ average 60 30

we first evaluate the application of average to 60 and 30, and then, apply sqrt to the result — i.e., it is equivalent to using parenthesis as follows: sqrt (average 60 30).

We can use the ($) operator to remove some of the parentheses in sumOfSquareRoots:

sumOfSquareRoots xs = sum $ map sqrt $ filter (> 0) xs

Whether you prefer the original or this version of the function is a matter of taste and what structure ought to be emphasised in the function definition. However, there is another higher-order function that leads to a clearly superior definition. We are going to discuss it next.

Function composition

Given that the definition

sumOfSquareRoots xs = sum $ map sqrt $ filter (> 0) xs

does not inspect the argument list xs, it should be possible to use point-free style. Purely syntactically, we might be tempted to simply drop xs as a parameter and as an argument to filter, resulting in the following definition:

-- this code will trigger a compiler error
sumOfSquareRoots = sum $ map sqrt $ filter (> 0) 

Unfortunately, this does not work, as we effectively have got three nested function calls (even if we syntactically avoided the use of parentheses, which would make the nesting explicit, by the use of the $ operator). However, conceptually, we use the three combinators filter, map, and sum like a pipeline, where the individual stages process the argument list one after the other. Instead of using function application, we can combine the pipeline stages using function composition

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
(f . g) x = f (g x)

The composition f . g of two functions f and g produces a new function that given an argument x first applies g to x, and then, applies f to the result of that first application. Using this, we successfully define

sumOfSquareRoots = sum . map sqrt . filter (> 0) 

The following screencast illustrates the use of higher-order functions to render polygons.

Higher-order Functions Provide Flexibility

We have seen that the use of higher-order functions can increase code reuse and lead to concise, more readable code. We have yet to discuss that, in addition, higher-order functions can provide flexibility. To illustrate this benefit, let us return to the Pythagorean trees from Spirals, Snowflakes & Trees: Recursion in Pictures. The exercises in that chapter focus on extending the given code, such that multi-coloured trees can be produced (as opposed to creating a single path that represents the entire tree, which only let's us display the tree in one single colour). We might implement this as follows:

fade :: Colour -> Colour
fade col@(redC, greenC, blueC, opacityC)
  | opacityC == 0 = col
  | otherwise     = (redC, greenC, blueC, opacityC - 20)

colouredFTree :: Int -> Float -> Colour -> Line -> Picture
colouredFTree n factor colour line = fT n colour line 
    fT 0 colour line = [(colour, [fst line, snd line])]  
    fT n colour line = [(colour,[p2, p3])]  
                       ++ [(colour,[p4, p1])] 
                       ++ fT (n-1) colour' (p5, p3) 
                       ++ fT (n-1) colour' (p4, p5)
        colour'         = fade colour
        [p1,p2,p3,p4,_] = polygon 4 line
        (_, p5)         = rotateLine (factor * pi)
                            $ (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) 
                            $ scaleLine 0.5 (p3, p4)

Using this function in

drawPicture 3 (colouredFTree 14 0.55 red line3)

produces the following picture, where we incrementally reduce the opacity of the colour as the recursion progresses.

Line drawing of a house with a door

Now, there are a lot of other, more interesting colour effects than simply reducing the opacity of a colour. One option is to bleach the initial colour:

bleach :: Colour -> Colour
bleach (redC, greenC, blueC, opacityC)
  = (min 255 (redC + 18), 
     min 255 (greenC + 18), 
     min 255 (blueC + 18),

colouredFTree :: Int -> Float -> Colour -> Line -> Picture
colouredFTree n factor colour line = fT n colour line 
    fT 0 colour line = [(colour, [fst line, snd line])]  
    fT n colour line = [(colour,[p2, p3])]  
                       ++ [(colour,[p4, p1])] 
                       ++ fT (n-1) colour' (p5, p3) 
                       ++ fT (n-1) colour' (p4, p5)
        colour'         = bleach colour
        [p1,p2,p3,p4,_] = polygon 4 line
        (_, p5)         = rotateLine (factor * pi)
                            $ (\(x, y) -> (y, x)) 
                            $ scaleLine 0.5 (p3, p4)

With this definition, we can generate the following pictures, by using red, green and black, respectively, as initial colours:

red spiral

purple spiral

blue spiral

Clearly, there are countless other possibilities, and we definitely don't want to rewrite the code, or define a new variant of the existing code, every time we try something new. Instead of committing to a fixed method to calculate the colour for each recursive step, we can pass a function which takes care of this decision as higher-order parameter to the tree construction function.

What should the type of that function parameter be? In the two examples above, we used a function of type Colour -> Colour, so this seems a reasonable choice. If we want to avoid having to pass an initial colour in addition to the function, we can alternatively model it as function from recursion depth to colour of type Int -> Colour.

colouredFTree :: Int -> Float -> (Int -> Colour) -> Line -> Picture
colouredFTree n factor colourFun line = fT n line 
    fT 0  line = [(colourFun 0, [fst line, snd line])]  
    fT n  line = [(colourFun n, [p2, p3])]  
                       ++ [(colourFun n,[p4, p1])] 
                       ++ fT (n-1) (p5, p3) 
                       ++ fT (n-1) (p4, p5)
        [p1,p2,p3,p4,_] = polygon 4 line
        (_, p5)         = rotateLine (factor * pi)
                            $ (\(x, y) -> (y, x)) 
                            $ scaleLine 0.5 (p3, p4)

For example, by passing these functions as arguments to colouredFTree:

magentaToWhite, toBlue1, toBlue2 :: Int -> Colour
magentaToWhite n = (127 + (18 - n) * 7, (18 - n) * 15, 255, 255)
toBlue1 n        = (255 - (16 - n) * 13, 255 - (16 - n) * 13, 214, 255)
toBlue2 n        = (51 + n * 8, 255 + 14 * n, 255, 255)

we generate the following images.

red spiral

purple spiral

blue spiral

Another way to create more interesting, organically looking trees is to vary factor argument of colouredFTree, which determines the ratio between the size of the left and right subtree in each recursive step. As with the colour, we replace the constant value by a function that characterised the change of the factor in dependence on the recursion depth:

colouredFTree :: Int -> (Int -> Float) -> (Int -> Colour) -> Line -> Picture
colouredFTree n factorFun colourFun line = fT n line 
    fT 0  line = [(colourFun 0, [fst line, snd line])]  
    fT n  line = [(colourFun n, [p2, p3])]  
                       ++ [(colourFun n,[p4, p1])] 
                       ++ fT (n-1) (p5, p3) 
                       ++ fT (n-1) (p4, p5)
        [p1,p2,p3,p4,_] = polygon 4 line
        (_, p5)         = rotateLine ((factorFun n) * pi)
                            $ (\(x, y) -> (y, x)) 
                            $ scaleLine 0.5 (p3, p4)

This enables us to generate a rather varied collection of fractals trees with the one definition of colouredFTree using

toggleFactor2 factor n = if (n `mod` 2) == 0 then factor else (1 - factor)
toggleFactor5 factor n = if (n `mod` 5) == 0 then factor else (1 - factor)
shiftFactor factor n   = factor + (fromIntegral (16 - n)) * 0.025

as function parameters partially applied as toggleFactor2 0.7, toggleFactor5 0.7, and shiftFactor 0.5, all with an iteration depth of 16.

red spiral

purple spiral

blue spiral

What if we don't want to vary one of the two function parameters as the recursion progresses (to get some of our initial fractal trees)? In this case, we simply pass a constant function as an argument — i.e., a function whose result is independent of its argument:

colouredFTree n (\_ -> 0.5) (\_ -> red) line

Constant functions are often useful; hence, the Haskell Prelude provides a combinator to construct them (without an explicit lambda abstraction):

const :: a -> b -> a
const x _ = x

This function is always used with partial application; for example, we can rephrase the previous invocation of colouredFTree as

colouredFTree n (const 0.5) (const red) line

While the second version is not much more concise, it is considered better style.


  1. Define our old friend natSum :: Num a => a -> a (which sums the numbers from 1 up to the given argument) in terms of

    enumFromTo n m
      | n > m     = []
      | otherwise = n : enumFromTo (n + 1) m

    and one of the list combinators introduced in this chapter.

  2. The map function is just a special case of foldr. Can you rewrite the map definition in terms of foldr? Complete the following definition:

    map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
    map f = foldr …
  3. What does foldr (:) [] do if applied to a list?

  4. Rewrite the spiralRays function from Spirals, Snowflakes & Trees: Recursion in Pictures

    spiralRays :: Int -> Colour -> Line -> Picture
    spiralRays n colour line@(p1, p2)
      | n <= 0    = []
      | otherwise = (colour, [p1, p2]) : spiralRays (n - 1) newColour newLine
       newColour = fade colour
       newLine   = scaleLine 1.02 (rotateLine (pi / 40) line)

    to accept a function which calculates the current colour, instead of using the fade function. In other words, want it to have the following signature:

    spiralRays :: Int -> (Int -> Colour) -> Line -> Picture
  5. Rewrite the function from the previous question, such that it uses list combinators as follows:

    spiralRays :: Int -> (Int -> Colour) -> Line -> Picture
    spiralRays n colourFun line = map spiralFun $ enumFromTo 1 n
       spiralFun :: Int -> (Colour, Path)
       spiralFun n =

    Otherwise, it should produce the same pictures as the previous version.